Start your holiday well prepared.
For many people vacation is a moment of relaxation and self-gratification. For people with autism and their families it means an increased potential for tension. Traveling involves changes, and changes mean stress.

Vacation equals stress
Even the long-awaited vacation can lead to an uncomfortable tension for people with autism spectrum disorder. There are simply too many “unsafe” components:
Where exactly are we going?
What does the accommodation look like?
Are there any retreats?
What are my free time options at the holiday destination or accommodation?
When are we going back home?
Create clarity
In order to clarify as many uncertainties as possible in advance, we recommend a comprehensive but clear discussion of the possible stress factors and questions.
Photos and visual overviews can be printed out and summarized in small lists or binders.
This gives you an option to look up again for certain aspects at any time.
Repetitions have calming effects
Discuss all relevant aspects of the trip several times and in advance.
Repetitions help to build up an even more precise idea of the journey and have a calming effect.
Our tip: Travel in a more relaxed manner by addressing the topic in advance. Print out photos and label them. Create possible daily routines together. These can also be short sequences (e.g. the changed morning routine). Make small lists and show options for free time, games and other excursions. A "WHAT SHOULD I TAKE WITH ME ON HOLIDAY" overview can also increase anticipation and reduce tension. |
We would be happy to help you with further tips on all aspects of holiday preparation and challenging situations. You can find an overview to print out or download in our Materials section or at the end of this article.
Best regards
Your team

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